Environmental Statement

Working Together—Our Corporate Social Responsibility
At Smithers-Oasis Company, we recognize that our actions as a worldwide organization affect many people and places. For this reason, we take our corporate social responsibility very seriously. We believe our obligation goes well beyond legislative compliance, to a moral obligation to act responsibly in our daily business.
Our goal is to make a positive impact on our employees, customers and communities and to lead through responsible management and applying socially and environmentally responsible practices in all we do.
Robin M. Kilbride
Chairman of the Board, President & CEO
Our Worldwide Presence
Smithers-Oasis Company is a leading global manufacturer and marketer of floral foam, floral accessories, postharvest products and propagation media for the floriculture marketplace.
Our Company founder, V.L. Smithers, invented the world’s first water-absorbing floral foam in 1954, which revolutionized retail floristry. Over these years, OASIS® has become one of the most trusted and well-known brands in the industry.
In 1938, the first flower food was developed and introduced by Floralife, Inc. Since that time, our Floralife® brand of postharvest products has led the industry in the care and handling of cut flowers.
And our OASIS® brand growing media products provide technologically advanced, sterile propagation media (rooting systems) for nourishing and growing vegetative annuals, perennials and plants.
Our customers and partners include florists, growers, wholesalers, floral design schools, mass market retailers and bouquet manufacturers throughout the world. With sales offices, distribution and manufacturing facilities located in over 20 countries, we understand that our actions are viewed by a global audience and we are committed to conducting ourselves responsibly in all matters.

Our Commitment to Local Communities
Our strength is built on local relationships, wherever we are in the world. With locations in North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, our employees serve as our regional experts, providing insight on local cultures and needs. Also important, our employees around the world are encouraged to become actively involved in local projects and programs within their communities, often with Smithers-Oasis assisting these efforts. Examples include helping to build a primary school in Malaysia after the devastating Tsunami in the year 2004, and matching, dollar-for-dollar, employee donations to the American Red Cross following the destruction of Hurricane Katrina in the United States in 2005.
Our Commitment to the Industry
We are dedicated to supporting the floriculture industry in many ways, particularly by building relationships with florists, floral designers and growers around the world. We achieve this through the support of floral design schools, participation in trade events, the development of an Internet resource (www.oasisfloral.com), cooperation with non-profit organizations for floriculture research and development, and the creation of a wide variety of in-house publications for educational and inspirational purposes. Through Design Directors and Ambassadors, we provide educational programs in many countries with the goal of inspiring new florists and equipping them for tomorrow’s needs.
We pledge our continuing support to the industry by:
- developing innovative, solutions-oriented products based on customers’ needs
- committing resources to educating a new generation of florists and growers
- supporting industry-specific programs and organizations
- championing continuous improvements in manufacturing through Lean principles that are shared with our industry partners

Our Commitment to Our Employees
We believe our employees are our unique resource for achieving our goals.
Smithers-Oasis Company continues our promise of respect for the individual employee by providing a healthy and safe work environment throughout our worldwide organization. We conduct ongoing safety training, combined with regular onsite reviews of working conditions to ensure we are meeting and exceeding all applicable labor codes. Our commitment to our employees is supported by a work environment of open and honest communications and dialogue – an environment that is inviting and rewarding.
We are dedicated to employee programs that further develop the individual, both professionally and personally. We strive to ensure our employees are continually recognized and rewarded for their unique contributions to Smithers-Oasis.
Worldwide Locations
As a global company, Smithers-Oasis features a network of offices and facilities around the world that enables us to provide products and services to the local market.
Get in Touch
Have questions? Need help with a unique application for your industry? We’d love to hear from you.